The popular 401(k) investment management strategy has failed you once again.

Right on cue, “buy and hold” blew up your 401(k). The last time the losses were this large was 2008-2009.

What do you expect? “Buy-and-hold” is a mutual fund company marketing strategy. It is straight out of the 1960’s.

You do not use anything else in your life from the 1960’s. Why do you still a marketing message from that era to manage your company 401(k) account?

You need to find quality investment management advice. Specific to your company 401(k) mutual fund options.

The pie chart cookie-cutter approach does not work. Need a reminder? Look at your June 30, 2022, quarterly statement.

Answering a few risk tolerance questions you do not understand does not work. Adding your age and guessing at your desired retirement date is fantasy. Neither exercise helped preserve your 401(k) principal over the last few months.

You do not have to believe me. Again, look at your June 30, 2022, quarterly statement.

Do not believe the headlines urging you to “don’t touch your 401(k)?” I especially like the ones that tell you to “wait long enough, you will recover your account value.” Not helpful.

Face the facts. Your company 401(k) lives in a new era. Zero-fee index funds, zero-fee robo advisors and zero-commission trades.

Even better. You can access an independent, third-party, fiduciary level investment advisor. To provide specific recommendation for your default 401(k) mutual fund menu.

Real-time risk analytics. Better investment performance outcomes when the stock markets find a bottom.

It is all here. And the advice costs less than losing giant amount of your 401(k) principal. Every few years.

Reach out to me on LinkedIn. Or search me on Google. A better solution for your 401(k) investment management issues is available.

Ric Lager
Lager & Company, Inc.
