Googled is a real word. I know because I looked it up on Google.

Googled means to search for something on the Internet using any comprehensive search engine. That leads back to my original question.

Have you ever googled your 401(K)?

Be very careful with the language that you use in google. Make sure to search the exact name of your Minnesota company 401(k) retirement plan account. You can find that information on your most recent company 401(k) retirement plan statement.

I google the names of company 401(k) retirement plans. I share that information with each individual company 401(k) retirement plan participant who I meet with for the first time.

Most individual company 401(k) retirement plan participants don’t have time to search for information on their company 401(k) retirement plan web sites. That is the reason that I suggest a google search. A google search will provide you detailed information about your company 401(k) retirement plan.

Do you want to know your complete menu of company 401(k) mutual fund options? Would you like to know how much it costs you to participate in your company 401(k) retirement plan account each year? Do you know the last time that your company 401(k) retirement plan options were changed?

Company 401(k) retirement plan providers often fail to disclose key pieces of company 401(k) retirement plan information. It is no wonder that most individual company 401(k) retirement plan participants can’t find important information on their company 401(k) retirement plan accounts.

Google is just the opposite. Type in the right information and you can read volumes of information that you never knew about your company 401(k) retirement plan.

You can make better company 401(k) retirement plan investment management decisions when you find better information. Go to the google!

Ric Lager
Lager & Company, Inc.
