3 Elements of 401(k) Advice

I wrote this article on May 4th, 2012 on my Golden Valley Patch Blog. I frequently write articles and lead seminars for professional investment advisors on the topic of how to provide company retirement plan advice to existing investment advice clients. An advisor who...

401(k) Surgery Checklist

I wrote this article on April 22nd, 2012 for my Golden Valley Patch Blog. My daughter’s softball season is now in full swing. When the weather cooperates, I have the pleasure of attending two to three of her softball games every week. At one game last week, I sat next...

Do Something NOW in Your 401(k)

I wrote this article on April 17th, 2012 for my Golden Valley Patch Blog. It never makes any difference what the “experts” think or say about the near-term direction of the stock markets. Always, the most important element that affects the value of your Minnesota...