Cash in your 401(k) now

At all times, I am in communication with many 401(k) participants. On phone calls, in e-mails, and on zoom calls, I am asked the same two questions. In the exact same order. First, “Are there better mutual funds for me to own in my 401(k) now?” There always are at...

How to rescue your 401(k)

In the last few days, the timing has improved for you to take the necessary investment management steps to recover your recent company 401(k) retirement plan account losses. These steps are not hard to understand. All you need to do is to apply at little logic and...

The Seven Dwarfs of Your 401(k) Plan

I was shopping at Target yesterday. As confused as I always am when I shop, I took a detour through the kid’s videos aisle. To my amazement, I saw the same video that I bought for my kids years and years ago.  That video was the Disney classic “Snow White and the...