Am I the only stock market investor in Minnesota who thinks this way?

All you ever hear on CNBC is trade, trade, trade.  The same reaction to any economic or company news is to “do something.” Most individual investors don’t care about the daily economic, political, and business news.

Individual investors don’t need to be entertained.  Instead, they are looking for investment management ideas that they can use to preserve and grow their stock market investment accounts during volatile stock and bond market environments.

The financial media promotes trading and financial news announcements as necessary.  The reality is that individual investors are not in a position to react to daily events.

Better investment management decisions don’t come from daily activity. The preservation and growth of stock market assets needs to be successful over the long term.

The financial media is most concerned about providing the financial entertainment that will keep viewers watching their channel and reading their online content. The financial media gets paid by their advertisers based on the number of eyeballs that watch their station and visit their web sites.

The goal of the financial media is not to provide individual investors with meaningful and useful investment management content.  The goal is to get paid.

Individual investors don’t need to worry about getting paid now.  They should worry more about having the money necessary for the great financial goals in life; college tuition and retirement.

Ric Lager
Lager & Company, Inc.
